Wednesday, April 12, 2006

my very first blog. now one would think that your first blog would enlightenen your reader on your type of thinking. it would in some context give the reader an idea of the state of mind of the blogger. but i have found being as enlightened as i am that there are precious few who can truly understand the foresight, the beauty, the power, that are encased in my words. (Mark do not comment.) i was tempted to name my blog the rantings of the wise but decided against it. i have been accused of being an introvert, i am not introverted i just to find enjoyment in the observation of my peers.
one such observation is what i would call the chameleon effect (aka: group dynamics). that people become like those they hang around. i find this particularly true of myself i tend to adapt very easily to people around and tend to blend into the background of my peers and disappear. now the chameleon effect is dependent upon ones personality (a contradiction of sorts- i know) but let me explain.
i am by a relatively quite person. so my interpretation of the chameleon effect around those in the band is basically to change colour and blend into te background so i wont be too obvious. this kind of behavior is in total (well not totally) contradiction of me around my choir people (MBCC choir). there i am known to be alittle crazy. i am far more outgoing and open. so much so that the difference in my demeanor is obvious even to me.
why does such a phenemenon exist and to what extent? it depend, i have found on the base personality of a person. what a person is fundamentally like. there level of maturity and experience and self visualization. (i reading back over this and i am really amusing myself). i could expound futher but i think i dont have to. for i think that i just need to discover in more depth who exactly i am then i will become


Blogger The Seeker said...

Welcome to the blogging community
and as requested I will not comment on your delus..... err I mean post.

8:34 AM  
Blogger dorna! said...

Humans are social creatures. In order to function within any social situation a certain amount of accomodation is required of most, and each social situation is informed by the particular configuration of personalities present - hence the phenomenon you discribe.

We all adapt. We have to in order for the group/collective to thrive. It's just that few are self-aware enough to notice the shifts, and even fewer are strong willed enough to attempt to hold on to their essential selves inspite of group pressures to conform.

BTW, I found you via Seeker's blog.

7:10 AM  

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